
  • Natalia M. LIUTSKO National Library of Belarus (Minsk), Belarus




university libraries, dynamics of development, quality control, methodological toolkit, organizational management, Belarus


Objective. The study of the effectiveness of individual processes in the activities of university libraries is a popular direction of scientific research. The work is aimed at a comprehensive study of the dynamics of development of the university libraries network in Belarus using the method of self-examination within the framework of the experimental toolkit. Method. The research was conducted using a new methodological toolkit for an independent quality assessment (voluntary certification) in the work of libraries of all types. Results. On the example of analyzing the activities of university libraries, a methodological toolkit has been tested. It is based on a matrix of library indices, a calculation algorithm of quality indices, criteria (performance indicators), and a system of weights and ratings of libraries. Conclusions. Constant comprehensive monitoring of the quality in the activities of the university libraries using up-to-date methods is today a defense against abolition; it helps to identify organizations that provide the highest quality services, show the strengths and weaknesses of library development, act as an information resource for making the right management decisions, both within a particular library and the network as a whole, and in librarianship at the state level. The development, implementation, and improvement of tools for studying the quality in the activities of university libraries undoubtedly have great potential.

Author Biography

Natalia M. LIUTSKO, National Library of Belarus (Minsk)

Natalia M. LYUTSKO 

Senior Editor at National Library of Belarus


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How to Cite

LIUTSKO, N. M. (2021). DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IN BELARUS: RESEARCH RESULTS. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (5), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.15802/unilib/2020_220815

