Ethical Component of Library Competencies Design: Professional View
professional competencies, librarian, academic integrity, All-Ukrainian public organization “Ukrainian Library Association”Abstract
Objective. Substantiation of the ethical component place in the set of modern librarians’ key competencies. Methods. Conclusions and results have been obtained due to use of dialectical, socio-communicative, analytical-review methods, methods of systematization, comparative analysis, bibliographic analysis, content analysis and document analysis. Results. The need to supplement the educational standards on the speciality 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” bachelor’s and master’s levels with ethical component – the librarian’s understanding of the principles and values of information and professional ethics, academic integrity and capacity to follow them was justified. Conclusions. Adherence to professional ethical norms and the spread of the academic integrity culture creates the conditions for the demand for other librarian’s professional competencies because it provides the value of knowledge and personal theoretical and applied achievements. Given the urgent need to spread the culture of academic integrity in the scientific and educational environment and the lack of relevant educational goals in bachelor and master educational standards, Ukrainian Library Association offers the scientific and methodological basis for the formation of the academic integrity culture as an important competence of a modern librarian within the framework of implementation of the compensatory function.
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